how to plan

How To Plan Out Your Social Media – What We Can Do To Help

Social Media Management is the bread and butter for DeBella DeBall Designs at the moment..I spend a lot of time, researching social trends and growth hacking algorithms.

According to HubSpot there are 8 Ways Marketers Can Leverage Social Media

  • Learn About Your Personas
  • Promote Content Through Diverse Channels
  • Keep Engagement High
  • Provide Customer
  • Support Influencer Marketing
  • Nurture Leads Sales
  • Prospecting
  • Show a New Side of Your Business

Social Media Channels have funnels, just like any other buying/marketing plan. What we will do is look at your target market and zero in on which social channels will be best for you and your organization to get in front of the customers you need.

marketing strategies

Getting a customer to be an advocate is really essential, they spread the word about your brand and are genuinely excited to be ambassadors for things they love. Gather testimonials and reviews or offer incentives that encourage customers to share their journey with their friends and family opening you up for better sales and more advocates.  

By determining these and forming systemized attack you can make your marketing efforts more effective and your dollars go further. Let us know how we can help you and your business.  

Our goal is to help your business have the largest platform for growth. We will have a YouTube Channel and TikTok up soon, follow us on our journey, we’re balls deep in crafting custom solutions. We enjoy a challenge…