Hootsuite and Media Planners help your time management.

How does Hootsuite and Media Planners help you? Well, Social Media posting is an easy way to get a following, gain customers and opens you up for loyal customers which means activist.  See “How to Plan out Your Social Media – what we can do help.” Advocacy and influence can really help a business grow.

Planning your social media posts and ads ahead of time gives you some freedom to post unique moments on the fly. But cuts your overall time in the social media world down dramatically. Hootsuite has been our social medial planning tool of choice. With the inexpensive cost of the Pro Version, we are able to see the “stats” on which posts are gaining movement and which aren’t.

How do know if Hootsuite and Media Planners are right for you?

Knowing which posts are gaining traction allow you to know which could be boosted and amplified to your audience. This is incredible easy to do and set up in Hootsuite.  No matter if it’s the paid level or not. We can show you how to do this, let us know if you need help. When you boost a post on Facebook, the post is delivered to the News Feeds of users who fit within your predetermined considerations. When you press the Boost button next to a post your content will reach more people than it would have organically.

Hootsuite Pro is a great level for the platform. It allows for you to respond to comments on post people have commented on. As well as track the analytics.  They do have a free plan this plan allows you to pre-post up to 30 messages at all times. And have limited analytics to base your decisions off of. If you need to keep costs down, we can teach you how to use both the Hootsuite Free and your Facebook Business Page’s analytics to create a long-term strategy. It’s more time consuming but again, FREE.

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