What Kind of Marketing We Do

what kind of marketing

self employed business

I, Lisa, have been involved in the marketing world on and off (but mostly on) for the last 20 years. In the last 5 years she’s honed her craft helping small businesses grow a large footprint in the digital world. DeBella DeBall Designs is a full stack marketing organization, but our niche is helping people and small organizations grow through making/improving your Website, building SEO, Social Media Management and Google Analytics – keeping your business ahead in digital movements.

Q has had an immense amount of experience merchandising for organizations, inventorying, observing buying techniques and using this data to project market developments. She’s often looking for new techniques to help those around her to rise, staying on or ahead of the trends. With this knowledge we create all your promotional materials, too.

We want to help people grow their business, their confidence and their freedom. We will help organizations by doing their marketing for them and/or showing them how to do it each step of the way – we can help or do, it’s up to you.Our goal is to make your business have the largest  platform for growth.

We will have a YouTube Channel and TikTok up soon, follow us on our journey, we’re balls deep in crafting custom solutions. We enjoy a challenge…

Marketing in the Palm of your hand