10 Ways to Generate Leads

Lead generation can be a tricky subject since the definition is loose. Some say lead generation means “visiting potential clients” while others say it means “applying to networking events.” No matter which definition you prefer, there are several ways in which it is wise to generate leads.

If you are looking to generate more leads, there is no time like the present. Here are ten great strategies to get started with right away.

1. Create a website and make it look good.

Your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business, so you want to ensure it is a good one! Invest in high-quality design and content that accurately reflects your brand. Then, ensure your site is easy to navigate and includes clear calls to action (CTAs). Need a functional well designed website? Click here.

2. Create an email list on Active Campaign, or any other email platform

An email list is a fantastic way to generate leads and stay in touch with potential customers. To get started, create an account with Active Campaign and start building your list. Include opt-ins on your website and email signature and promote your newsletter regularly

3. Start blogging regularly

Blogging is a terrific way to generate leads, build relationships, and establish your brand as an expert in your industry. Write helpful, informative articles that provide value to your readers. Include CTAs in each post and make it easy for readers to share your content on social media. Like this one!

well designed website

4. Write an eBook/Create Templates and sell them on your website

An eBook/templates are a great lead generation tool because they allow you to capture potential customers’ contact information in exchange for valuable content. To get started, write an eBook that covers a topic related to your business or industry. Then, sell it on your website for a price that reflects its value.

Canva is a great tool for those just starting out. All you need is an account and the right tools to create a professional-looking eBook/template in minutes. The best part about Canva is that it has a free account you can use, so you don’t have to spend money on design software or hire someone else to do the work for you!

5. Attend networking events and make connections

Meeting potential customers virtually or in person is a wonderful way to generate leads and build relationships. Attend local networking events and get to know people in your industry. You never know when a conversation might lead to a business opportunity.

6. Use social media to reach out to influencers in your industry

Social media is a great way to connect with potential customers and generate leads. Start by following industry leaders and other businesses in your field. Then, interact with their content regularly and establish relationships with them. If you can get them to promote your products or services, you will reach a whole new audience of potential customers.

If you are looking for tools to help with scheduling (can we say batch create) look no further than Metricool. You can schedule 30 Posts and get all your analytics! 

7. Hire a virtual assistant to help you with the above tasks

If you are finding it difficult to keep up with the above tasks, consider hiring a virtual assistant. A VA can help you with everything from promoting your eBook to managing your social media accounts. This will free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.

8. Create a podcast and promote it on social media.

Podcasting is another strong way to generate leads and build relationships with potential customers. To get started, create a podcast that covers your business or industry topics. Then, promote it on social media and other channels. You can also offer transcripts of each episode as an opt-in incentive for people who sign up for your email list.

9. Try out paid advertising

Paid advertising is a solid way to generate leads but can be expensive. If you are on a tight budget, consider using pay-per-click (PPC) ads or Facebook ads. You can also use retargeting strategies to reach people who have already visited your website.

10. You can hire someone else (like an agency) to help you with these things.

If you want to generate leads but do not have the time or resources to do it yourself, consider hiring an agency. Like DeBella DeBall, I can assist you in all things social to give you your time back. Many agencies specialize in lead generation and can help you reach your target market effectively.

The fact that you are reading this means that you are already well on your way to generating more leads.  But there is always more you can do. Start by incorporating these strategies into your overall business plan and including them into your daily routine.  You will be able to generate even more leads in the future with these 10 things.

And remember, the most important thing about any strategy is consistency. If you consistently work on a strategy long enough, it will start working for you. If you need a consultation please contact me and schedule a call.