Stop Being Paranoid About Writing!

Are you a small business owner who feels like you need to constantly be on the lookout for content that will go “viral”? Do you coach your clients on how to get their writing noticed by a larger audience? If so, then this blog post is for you! First, stop being paranoid and let your first piece of viral content be what it is – a steppingstone to becoming a better writer. Get started today!

You are not alone.

Most people feel anxious about whether their writing is good enough, especially when they first start out.

It is entirely normal to feel anxious about your writing – not everyone starts off as a natural wordsmith. Useful content writing has become increasingly important. It is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of, no matter how long you have been writing. Everyone experiences feelings of doubt and uncertainty when it comes to their work. Especially if they are trying something new. Even the most experienced writers have moments where they question whether the words, they are putting out there are enough. Just remember that it is all part of the process. You will get to the level of writing you want to be at with practice and dedication!

Stop Being Paranoid About Writing – Write Often.

The best way to combat anxiety is just to write and write often. The more you do it, the better you will become at it.

It is no secret that writing is not always easy. Writing everything down can be overwhelming, especially if you are stuck in a funk. Do not be discouraged! The more you engage in the creative process, the more the words will flow. The better writer you become. It may not happen overnight but if you give it your best effort you will notice a significant difference before you know it.

Be Bold

Put your work out there. What is the worst that can happen, it doesn’t get any traction? But what if it does? Then you will be glad you took the risk!

Stop Being Paranoid About Writing

Do you know that feeling when you are about to hit “publish” on a piece of writing you have been working on forever, that cold feet reaction? Don’t worry; we have all been there. Feeling a little apprehensive about putting your work out there for the world to see is natural. Trust me, it is worth it! So go ahead and hit that publish button!

Not Everything Goes Viral

Keep in mind that not every piece of content you create will go viral, but that is okay. Just keep creating, and eventually something will take off.

Even the most creative ideas can sometimes fall flat. Not every post will go viral, but that does not mean you should give up. The key is consistency. Keep creating posts, refine them based on what does and does not do well. Don’t be afraid to branch out. What might appear small at first could end up taking off and having tremendous success, so it is worth the effort!

And finally, remember that even if your content does not go viral, it does not mean you are a bad writer.

When it comes down to proficient writing it is all about connecting with your audience. The more you do it, the better you will become at it. Just keep creating.

If you need help to overcome the anxiety and you feel you can not handle the content management, contact me.  We will work through it together.